Taking Sides

Recently, I saw a post on social media that began with ”Some of you pastors have “survived” a long time by being neutral in the “culture war” and then continued to judge all ministers as cowards and patronizing those who do not take the author’s stand on certain cultural issues. As a pastor, I have not remained neutral on cultural issues. I have taken the side of Jesus and the gospel. I have taken the side of unmerited grace demonstrated in and through his life, death, and resurrection. I am on the side of God’s inclusive love made known in Jesus who dined with saints and sinners alike and who offered compassion to those who were outcasts and judged by their own culture as unworthy. I am on the side of Jesus who valued women equally with men and treated all genders with respect, care, and worthiness.  I am with Jesus who valued life, even the lives of our enemies. I take the side of Jesus, who healed the sick, fed the hungry, and held the authorities of his religion and culture accountable for their unjust acts toward the widow and the orphan alike. And, then commanded those who would follow him to go and do likewise.

Yes, the church and the secular world have often been at odds with one another through the centuries. Some label our differences or disagreements as a war. I choose to see the secular world as Jesus did, a fragmented place where healing and reconciliation are needed, not more conflict or violent words. I choose to hold our authorities accountable to the same love and grace, the same justice Jesus desires for all of God’s children, justice that comes from healthy relationships built on honesty, equality, acceptance, and love. I choose the side of Jesus who stopped acts of violence against women and was a safe man in their midst. I’m on the side of Jesus who taught that God desires us to know and have happy, healthy, thriving love in our lives, no matter who we love.

I am anything but neutral in the ministry to which I am called. I take the side of the Apostle Paul who called us to put on kindness, compassion, meekness, humility, generosity, forgiveness and above all else, love (Colossians 3). I’m with Paul who taught us to welcome the stranger, the alien just as God has. I stand on the side of the Hebrew prophets who stood in solidarity with the oppressed of their time and called us to stand with our sisters and brothers for whom the systems and yes, sometimes even the laws, of our culture do not offer freedom, but instead oppress, suppress, and deny freedom (Isaiah 58, Micah 6, Amos 5).  I take the side of the Apostles who shared everything in common so that no one had any need (Acts 4). I am on the side of Jesus who sends us to grow disciples, loving learners and followers, to the poor, the hungry, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned (Matthew 25).

Being a follower or disciple of Jesus is not akin to being a soldier in a war, because Jesus was not a general or commander in chief. Jesus was and is the Prince of Peace. Secular culture has opted to take many paths throughout human history, some positive and some destructive. As disciples of Jesus, we bring wholeness to this fragmented world by demonstrating an alternative path, built on unconditional love, filled with enduring hope, leading each of us to peace.  

I may never use the hot button, divisive, extremist labels or phrases from the right or the left that some would like me to preach from the pulpit to accommodate their need for affirmation. I will continue to preach the gospel of God’s undying, unconditional love and grace, made known in Jesus and given freely for every person. And, I will preach and work toward the beloved community that may exist when we value each other as recipients of this same love and grace.


He was a poet, a musician, a skilled shepherd, a marksman and everything a King will be ruthless, cunning, shrewd, strategic and insatiable. The unlikely hero of an epic battle with a giant, the runt of the sons of Jesse, the impossibly anointed heir to the throne, David’s story makes Game of Thrones a lot less thrilling.

I implied in last week’s story that David knew exactly what he was getting into when he went up against Goliath, that he was not the underdog history has made him out to be. No, David was a skilled defender who was rapidly becoming a skilled offender.

In our ancient story for this morning from the 2nd book of God’s prophet Samuel, we hear the tribes of Israel proclaiming their allegiance to David as the new king. Saul is dead as are his sons, murdered in a coup, possibly orchestrated by the cunning new king himself, why else would he have the insurgents executed, who carried out the murders and brought the evidence (Ishbaal’s severed head 2 Samuel 4: 5-12) to show to the king at Hebron, then to leave no witnesses?  No scripture implies his guilt, but there are plenty of stories implicating David as a murderer, rapist, adulterer, liar, coveter etc.

The lectionary leaves out the juicy details between the show of allegiant unity in the covenants made with the tribes at the coronation and the description of David as the greatest king of Israel a man after God’s own heart. The storyteller recounts David’s attack on Jerusalem occupied by Jebusites, the northernmost fortified city in Judah not owned by any tribe of Israel and thus a perfect capital city to rule from.

Like a modern day case of gerrymandering to control one’s legacy as a undefeatable career congressman or a play on the electoral college,  David’s first conquest as king after his coronation by the tribes was to protect his growing political and military power by ensuring no one could easily dethrone him. At 30 years old the newly crowned King fortified his reign of 40 years, there’s that number again, in the walled city of Jerusalem which he renamed the City of David.

In a sense, David set the stage for absolute allegiance from the people of God as their savior king and lord, titles only God was supposed to claim. His people will listen to him and do as he says, ring any bells lately?

Allegiance is defined as loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or a cause. Allegiances are important.

Our first allegiance is likely to our parents and then our extended family and our teachers, preachers and finally our community and nation. For Christians, somewhere in that mix God and Christ come into our circle of allegiances,  hopefully at the center.

I can remember learning to say the Pledge of Allegiance with my hand over my heart when I was in half-day Kindergarten – not much preschool available when I was little – and the year I went to Kindergarten was 1976 the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence when my mother crocheted a flag in honor of the celebration.

The Pledge of course has been modified more than once with the original written in August 1892 by socialist minister Francis Bellamy who hoped it would be used by any citizen of any country

“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

But politicians never leave anything good enough alone. After WWI during the nativity of American Exceptionalism and a fear of new immigrants, in 1923 the words “the Flag of the United States of America” were added.

As the threat of so-called godless Communism to American Exceptionalism globally or to the capitalistic economic superpower our young nation was rapidly becoming, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words “under God” in 1954.

A political move designed to build the emotional case for American domination of other cultures around the globe as the chosen nation of God’s salvation of the world, akin of course to our nation’s westward domination beyond the colonies through occupied territories known as Manifest Destiny, which viewed native North American peoples including Mexicans and Hispanics as less than fully human and in need of being tamed in the fallaciously God ordained conquest of the west and Texas.

A grab for allegiance demanding power, absolute Power, Manifest Destiny fueled by the Doctrine of Discovery and then American Exceptionalism were all emotional drivers of irrational acts, agendas, and vitriol or hate speech then and remain so now.

As we explored in last week’s ancient legend of David and Goliath, absolute Power has the capacity to be corrupted and to corrupt. And whenever power and religious belief combine corruption is just around the corner, or across the next river or arbitrary human border.

The sentimentalism we feel this week as we gaze on the red, white and blue does not want to hear the bitter but truthful testimony of a history of corruption of God’s will for humanity in the name of profit, nationalism, white supremacy or even Christian privilege.

The patriotism we feel as our hand moves over our heart as the colors are raised, does not want to admit that the stains of innocent lives run as deeply in those stripes as does the blood of patriots who paid the ultimate price with their lives in wars they did not necessarily declare.

Our allegiance does not want to see our true colors or hear the voices of those we have slaughtered.

Allegiance like the Law is a means to an end, as Americans we aim for “a more perfect union” or in Christian terms we build “the beloved community.”

When allegiance becomes the end in itself, the goal, the aim, the product, trouble is at hand, sin is present and the end will not end well.

Recently, allegiance to or submission to governing authorities has been thrown around as the will of God, quoting sentences out of context from Romans 13, to claim Biblical authority for the separation of immigrant children from their parents illegally entering the country seeking asylum at our southern border.

These 7 verses of scripture are often misused, when lifted away from the chapter before, the verses and chapter following in Paul’s letter or systematic theological statement to the Christians in Rome, the hot seat of Roman empirical power, where disobedience meant a prompt visit to the Colosseum for torture and death.

Used by British loyalists against the revolutionaries of colonial America, used by slaveholders to justify slavery, by Westward Expansionist to defend their God given right to conquer, kill and displace entire peoples and recently by the US Attorney General to justify the modern day internment prisons in the south, these sentences have done more evil than perhaps any other scriptures with exception of the abomination passages of Leviticus that have been used as death warrants against all sorts of people  – Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

While ignoring the very next sentences:

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law. Romans 13: 8-10

Tyranny does harm to a neighbor. Slavery does harm to a neighbor. Manifest Destiny does harm to a neighbor. Separating immigrant children from their parents does harm to a neighbor.  Yesterday thousands marched to keep families together in protest of the sinful way we are treating the immigrant community, the alien and the foreigner those whom God demands we welcome with hospitality as if they were residents so says Leviticus 19, Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 22, Zechariah 7, among others.

Blind allegiance to policies and to leaders blind themselves to the harm they do is not excusable in God’s eyes.

God, who through Paul in Romans 12, calls for One true Allegiance:

I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.  

Our allegiance is to God, at the center of our transformed lives guided by our Lord Jesus Christ who commanded us to love one another.

But some will say its complicated, its just not that simple.

It’s like the original Pledge. It was simple and complete “I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Then we muddled it up with exceptionalism and religious legalism.

Jesus was trying to uncomplicate our relationship with God. Trying as God incarnate to say, “look I’m not your enemy and I’m not their enemy either, my mercy and my love are complete, absolute and are the only part of me that desires your full allegiance.”


Text from My Message for Today Allegiances based on 2 Samuel 5:1-10. Central Christian Church, Bourbonnais, IL. July 1, 2018.

Facing Giants

One of my favorite Cartoons growing up in the 1970’s was Underdog which originated in the 1960’s as a cereal promotion for General Mills according to Wikipedia.  The premise was that “humble and lovable” Shoeshine Boy was in truth the superhero Underdog. George S. Irving narrated and comedy actor Wally Cox provided the voices of both Underdog and Shoeshine Boy. When villains threatened, Shoeshine Boy ducked into a telephone booth, where he transformed into the caped and costumed hero, destroying the booth in the process when his superpowers were activated. In many cases to save his damsel in distress, reporter canine Sweet Polly Purebred. Underdog almost always spoke in rhyme: “There’s No Need to fear—underdog is here!”

Underdog stories abound in our culture. Who doesn’t like to hear or witness the little guy or gal claiming victory from the hands of the favorite whether in sports or adventure or in the reality of the everyday good and evil in our midst?

We cheer for the teams like the Butler Bulldog Basketball team back in 2010 or the NC State team back in 1983 or the New England Patriots in SuperBowl 36 back in 2001. You remember  when a little known back up quarterback with the last name Brady came off the bench in the play-offs to lead them to an unlikely championship. We love watching the underdogs claw their way to victory – unless of course we are fans of the favored champions.

Sports are not the only arena for these favored stories – the courts are as well – while staying in a hotel not too long ago we came across a late night movie about an inventor and professor at Wayne State University who had created the intermittent windshield wiper control – remember when wipers were either on or off with no delay feature? Robert Kearns invented the device and as the 2008 film Flash of Genius depicted was robbed of his technology by Ford and Chrysler among other automobile manufacturers. Kearns spent 20 years trying to get his case to court, losing his marriage and nearly his family. He prevailed winning over $30 million.

And then there was Erin Brockovichs story where contaminated water supplies with a cancer causing poison from a nearby Pacific Gas & Light plant were being covered up until she helped local residents take on the wealthy corporation and win a large settlement for the families affected.

We love to hear stories of unlikely heroes and heroines of the victorious underdogs in our world.

If any story in the whole of scripture fits our affection for underdogs – it’s most likely our story for today from ancient Israel’s myths and legends, retold in the book of Samuel. Probably the most famous story from Hebrew Scripture outside of the tales of Moses perhaps, the tale of David and Goliath is certainly memorable and for the ancient Israelites a legend marking their special identity as God’s – Yahweh’s – chosen covenant people.

First, we must remember that this story was and is special to Jewish people then and now. David’s unlikely victory over the giant Philistine Goliath was a vote of confidence in the power and majesty of their God over the gods and goddesses of the ancient world.  There are many  details in this story – too many to expand upon today – but a couple I think are worth noting.

Some scholars believe that the Philistines led by Goliath were mercenary army with a lineage that traced back to the time before the Great Flood Epic of Noah to the Nephilim or giants who lived among the sons of God, the descendants of Adam and were the “heroes of old, warriors of renown” according to Genesis 6.

If so, David’s victory again stakes the claim for Israel as God’s people and for God’s majesty and power over all the earth.

Another detail worth noting has to do with David’s stature as the youngest son of Jesse, the anointed successor to the throne of Saul. David was not able to wear Saul’s armor and in fact was not able to move in it. This is most often attributed to David’s overall size and strength in stark contrast to the giant Goliath with his armor and sword. And so, when David sizes up the giant and says, “yeah I can take him,” the audience chuckles with “good luck with that!”

But perhaps David is not as naïve as we make him out to be, of course as a spiritual narrative there is certainly the God is on my side factor (which is the moral of the story of course) but David has had to be nimble, quick, determined and cunning to save his sheep, to stay alive among older brothers who scoff at him when he inquires about the spoils of defeating the Philistine when he arrives at the front lines with fresh supplies.

Sometimes the best player on your team is the shorter, faster, turn so quick you lose track of them player – that’s David.

Perhaps the armor was just a hindrance to his greatest strength, which was also his greatest vulnerability, his size, his speed and his agility.

Imagine the scene for a moment, nine foot tall giant Goliath covered in armor on one side of the creek bed who has employed psychological warfare for 40 days, (you know that number means something) yelling at the Israelites, daring them to fight and every time they run and hide in fear, which is wearing down the entire regimen. Goliath with heavy armor moving slowly mostly bark and only bite if you get in his swing zone a formidable force to behold  against David, a shepherd boy with five stones and a slingshot no armor, no heavy sword, agile, fast, stealthy and without fear.

By might, Goliath was the one to place your bets on but was he? Was David really the underdog? He fell the giant nearly immediately in the story before Goliath had a chance to react.

The audience cheers, the little guy won and God was victorious again!

And then the story turns evil by the world’s standards today and perhaps even then  The storyteller takes the violence of battle to another level as David beheads Goliath with the Philistine’s own sword. He then parades with it to show everyone the awesome (meaning to be feared) power of the God of Israel and perhaps of the soon to be new king of Israel. With this violent act, little David claims absolute power. If he could do this to Goliath, who will challenge him now?

Absolute Power has the capacity to be corrupted and to corrupt. And whenever absolute power and religious belief combine corruption is just around the corner. We have all witnessed far too many stories of such corruption in our time.

Violence in the name of God is a corruption of the nature of God who demands that we love our neighbor, even our enemies. Perhaps no one made this point better than the German pastor Martin Niemoeller, who protested Hitler’s anti-semite measures in person to the fuehrer, was eventually arrested, and then imprisoned for eight years in German Death Camps.

He once confessed, “It took me a long time to learn that God is not the enemy of my enemies. He is not even the enemy of his enemies.” Anne Lamott said,

“You can safely assume you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.”

Violence is a human attribute – not a divine attribute – if God was by nature violent – then when God walked among us in the person Jesus – would not God have chosen to destroy the Romans who dared to crucify him – to violently take back the temple from the corrupt religious leaders? Perhaps the humanity of Jesus was most present when he turned those tables and drove out the animals – but notice Jesus never took life – only healed, restored, saved life.

Bible stories filled with violence are like all the stories in scripture, tales passed down from generation to generation attempting to share the powerful covenant of love between the creator of the universe and all that God created. And sometimes, we get the nature of God wrong. Sometimes we make God in our image.

David was not alone, the story says. The almighty God was with David and it was God’s power the tale says that was challenged by the Philistine and prevailed. We too walk in the same power of the Almighty God:

Power to conquer our gigantic challenges in life.

Power to love beyond our imagining even those who have wronged us’

Power to endure the often unbearable tragedy of illness and accidents that lead to suffering in this life,

Power to face the challenges of aging and differing abilities,

Power to return no one evil for evil, to be non-violent even in the face of violence,

Power to challenge the big systemic issues of our time like a broken and often inhumane immigration system, a criminal justice system in need of reform, an economy that does not work for everybody, poverty and homelessness that impacts millions of children and families,

Power to work for equal access to education, healthcare and adequate mental healthcare in our communities,

Power to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalized because of their gender or gender identity, their race or religion, their ethnicity or primary language, their body type or social/physical abilities.

Facing Giants With God’s power we are not the underdogs we may think we are – we are the champions…we are the champions of an agile love, a nimble compassion, a determined justice, a real reconciliation, and a true peace.

May we be so. Amen.

Text from my Message for Today, Central Christian Church, Bourbonnais, IL July 24, 2018.

Peek A Boo I See You!

One of the first Games we learn to play – Peek a Boo I see You! With our parents perhaps or our grandparents. I remember teaching our boys and how excited they were when they learned to hide their faces and play along.

Very young children learn to play as they develop their fine motor skills and as the explore the world of object permanence, being able to know any object that is covered or hidden is still there, which they typically begin to grasp at about 9 months old.

Children often desire nothing more than for their parents to see them – they crave our attention, from infancy through toddler-hood, childhood and some even through young adulthood. Look at me “look at what I can do daddy.”

I am thankful to have helped raise my boys before the smartphone and tablet craze hit the scene. It is sad when a child has to compete with a tiny screen for the attention of one or both of their parents (no less than those who had to compete with television screens in my humble opinion.)

All children need us to see them. Watch them as they grow, paying attention to their developing skills and successes, witnessing their mistakes and failures, seeing the person they are becoming. Child psychologists have documented that children who are denied their parents attention are at a greater risk of developing mental health challenges later in life including anti-social, psychopathic, and narcissistic behaviors.

So any circumstances that deny children to be seen by their parents except in rare cases of abuse and utter neglect are not well thought out and are abusive themselves. And by the way, there is no biblical precedence nor support for separating children from their parents at borders. In fact, the Bible is very clear about how aliens and foreigners are to be treated with hospitality as if they were residents in your land (Lev 19). What is currently happening on our southern border is both sinful and shameful. This isn’t a political statement it’s just basic common sense and God’s will for humanity.

Big challenges like the one we face with our broken immigration system seem overwhelming, like Giants that we feel powerless to do anything about. We may feel as if we are babies in the face of the complex systems and issues involved. We may look at ourselves and say what am I supposed to do about that monstrosity?

It’s like David and Goliath the Philistine giant  but that’s next week’s story. Before David ever picked up his slingshot in battle, he was just a shepherd of some flocks, the youngest of Jesse’s sons, the runt of the litter who got the dirty work in the family.

The Storyteller says, God sent the prophet Samuel to Jesse’s House because God regretted choosing Saul as king. We hear about the parade of seven sons, big & tall, strong and handsome, Mr. Incredible types, superheroes in the making.

God doesn’t choose any of them,

“the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (I Samuel 16:7)

God chose David, the youngest more of a Han Solo type, the unlikely hero of the story without whom the Dark side would have been victorious, hope I didn’t spoil anything for you, but the Light side always wins in the end, at least in Star wars.

Story teller says of David’s anointing “spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward”

God looks on the Content of our Character not our physical attributes and calls us to do likewise. We often Limit our vision for ourselves, our community, our church, our power but God’s power is unlimited, unrestrained, undefeatable.

A third-grader taught her teacher this important truth: The teacher asked, “How many great people were born in our city?”

“None,” replied the pupil. “There were no great people born. They were born babies who became great people.”

We can do No Great Things only Small things with Great Love….Mother Teresa

The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, began her orphanage with such a vision. She told her superiors, “I have three pennies and a dream From God to build an orphanage.”
“Mother Teresa,” her superiors chided gently, “you cannot build an orphanage with three pennies…with three pennies you can’t do anything.” “I know,” she said, smiling, “but with God and three pennies I can do anything.” The Rev. Dr. Hugh L. Eichelberger

In our own community, Fortitude Community Outreach for the Homeless has a dream of providing overnight shelter for the homeless our most vulnerable folks during the coldest months – which are hard for us to imagine right now. And their director Dr. Dawn Broers began with a vision “three pennies” and God’s command to love our neighbor as ourselves.

For the love of Christ urges us on, because we are convinced that one has died for all; therefore all have died. And he died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them. From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. 2 Corinthians 5:14

 In truth we are obsessed with externals, with youth and beauty, accomplishments and credentials, productivity and profit. We are constantly tempted to judge our own worth and that of others according to “a human point of view.” We are tempted to view worldly success as a sign of God’s favor, and conversely, to view weakness and suffering as a sign of God’s absence or even God’s punishment.

In his second letter to Corinth Paul reminds us that human standards of judgment count for nothing in God’s eyes. The scandal of the cross is that God chooses vulnerability, weakness, suffering, and death in order to bring new life.

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!

David wasn’t born into a royal family lineage, Mother Teresa wasn’t born into greatness indeed none of us were born great people and yet through the power of Christ’s resurrection and the amazing gift of God’s Holy Spirit we may become great people.

We have the potential for Greatness in the Eyes of God who looks on the heart, who sees with Grace, Mercy, Love and Joy, rejoices in God’s good creation, and invites us to see one another and especially those we name as other with our hearts. Amen.

Text from my Message for Today for Father’s Day, Central Christian Church, Bourbonnais, IL. July 17, 2018



Be Careful What You Ask For

Thinking back over your life, what were some of the things other people had that you just had to have for yourself? As a child or adult what gadget or fashion item, toy or fad made you everyone else has one or is doing it so I should too?

Bell Bottom pants or saddle shoes?  Penny loafers or Air Jordan’s? Calvin Klein Jeans or a leather jacket? Big wavy hair or a Mullet? A Rubik’s Cube or a Nintendo 64?  Ken & Barbie or Cabbage Patch Dolls, A Sony Walkman or a Boombox

An iPad or Apple watch the list is huge from gadgets to fashion to behaviors and choices, at some point most of us can relate to wanting something because we believe we must be the only one’s without it in the world.

Being consumers we are easily driven by material fads and as residents of 21st Century free-market America, we may find difficulty relating to the story of ancient Israel’s demand for a king because everyone else had a king, but that’s because we know or at least we’ve been told by the stories of our national history what its really like to live under a monarch.

The story of the prophet Samuel responding to the cries of his people for a king is first just that, a story, a tale of how the people whose identity was born of covenant with Abraham & Sarah and their descendants, redeemed from the hand of Pharaoh under the leadership of Moses and led into the promised land (albeit an occupied territory), a tale of how those ancient people over 3000 years ago demanded God appoint them a ruler, a king.

A story, not so much history provable by external sources of which we have none, not eyewitness accounts of which there are none as these tales precede most writing in general. These are narrated folk stories passed down over generations around the cooking fires of centuries gone by.

Period drama that would make for a great series of novels 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings & 1 & 2 Chronicles tell the story of the major characters of Ancient Israel, the prophets, the judges and the kings.

One of the uniqueness’s of this story from other’s in the ancient near eastern world is that the demand for a ruler comes from the people rather than from a deity. In other Mesopotamian religions and cultures the gods or goddesses appoint a ruler on their behalf, a king or queen to enforce the will of the deity among the people. The king was thus the puppet of the gods and the gods maintained their supremacy.

For ancient Israel, according to the story, the people demand a king from a hesitant God and an even more resistant prophet. Samuel is aging out of his capacity to lead effectively, especially in battle with other kingdoms. His sons who were the heirs apparent are both corrupt we are told taking bribes from other nations and such. And so, the people fearing the sons of Samuel would take over and squander the land promised to their ancestors  demand new leadership for a new day for Israel.

Samuel we are told is saddened in heart by the request, perhaps grieving over the truth about his wayward sons, perhaps regretting his inability to lead the people effectively in battle or perhaps concerned for keeping the covenant with God.

Samuel wanted to reject the people’s cries but the storyteller says God relented and granted their request, but not without dire warnings. Be careful what you ask for warns the prophet.

The king, warns God will take your sons and daughters , your property and your goods – everything will be in service to the king, which is the big change in the identity of Israel.

When God called Abraham out of the land of Ur and promised he would become ancestor to a great nation of families, he promised and God demanded through the law to have no other gods before me, no one to fight their battles for them  just God. While the Exodus generation had made it lawful to have a king (Deut 17:14-15), the king was first and foremost a servant of God, meditating on the law and serving justly, second in command to God. Deuteronomy prohibits the king from acquiring horses, amassing wealth, or selling the people into slavery.

But it is not a peaceful king the people desired, they desired a king to expand their boundaries, protect them from foreign invaders, establish Israel as a political and military power in the region.

And those are not faith in God motivators, those are not God’s vision for the world God created.

Spoiler alert! The warnings Samuel issued about the king taking everything including their sons and daughters to wag wars and build their kingdoms  came to pass and the storyteller tells the tale of the rise and the fall of the kingdom of Israel.

From Saul to David and Solomon, the kings anointed by God, each abandoned God to quench their own hunger and thirsts for power, for wealth, for other people’s belongings and such. Like the modern day politician who is elected by their constituents in their home district and packs off to Washington only to be wooed by powerful lobbyist and party leaders forgetting about the people back home they were supposed to represent – at least until the next election cycle.

The tale of the kings of Israel point us to one major lesson, be careful what you ask for, you just may get it and it may not be as you hoped or expected. It may not even be what God desires for you.

Consider how your request loves God first and neighbor as yourself, how your love for God and neighbor is expressed by your need to have or do whatever it is because everyone else does. Be care-full what you ask for, full of caring love for others, full of care for God’s amazing creation.

How does what you ask for in life bring about the beloved community of God in your midst?


From my Message for Today based on 1 Samuel 8:4-20 for July 10, 2018 Central Christian Church, Bourbonnais, IL.

Practicing Sabbath

In the Beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the first story of creation in Genesis 1 an orderly and organized account in a perfect seven days, developed by the priestly class of the ancient Israelites as the people’s faith in God understandably withered under the oppression of exile in Babylon, we are told God took nothing and made a vast, beautiful, ever expanding universe including humanity among other life.

And then God rested. On the seventh day God rested taking it all in and proclaiming it all good indeed blessing all of it. A sabbath day which in the ancient tradition and law of Judaism was a day to promote God’s commitment to humanity’s well-being, to save and preserve life.

Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, or your son or your daughter, or your male or female slave, or your ox or your donkey, or any of your livestock, or the resident alien in your towns, so that your male and female slave may rest as well as you. Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day. Deuteronomy 5:12-15

This is precisely what Jesus is referring to in our story from Mark this morning when he says,

“The Sabbath was created for humans; humans weren’t created for the Sabbath.”

It’s probably helpful here to briefly unpack what happened just before and right after Jesus said what he said about the sabbath. Sabbath for Judaism begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday the last day of the week,  the seventh day. And so, Jesus and his disciples were making their way through the wheat fields and some were picking the heads of the wheat. Doesn’t seem like a big deal to us. He’s not stealing. Furthermore the law prohibited harvesting to the edges of the fields, and demanded leaving wheat for gleaners, travelers in need of food.

What should stick out to us immediately is that some Pharisees are following Jesus and his disciples around, almost stalking him, harassing them. But in this story of Jesus we call Mark’s gospel, Jesus has already healed a paralyzed man and proclaimed his sins are forgiven, he has recruited and dined with a tax collector, went on a preaching tour and announced his ministry attracting many followers. ALL of those acts were potentially offensive to the religious leaders, the Pharisees and Scribes. So even though we are only at the end of chapter 2 we should not be surprised that the local religious authorities are out on a Saturday watching Jesus’ every move.

In response to the accusation of working on the sabbath, Jesus recounts the story of King David doing something even more sacrilegious by eating food only the priests were ceremonially allowed to eat to prove his point that need overrules the law. King David will be a central character for our messages in the weeks to come by the way

The story immediately shifts to a synagogue where we find Jesus on the Sabbath encountering a man with a withered hand and challenges the authorities on the righteousness of healing his hand saying, “Is it legal on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?”

The storyteller says the man stretched out his hand and it was made healthy, he was restored not only to wholeness in body but to his community he was now accepted fully, no longer mocked for his disability, nor taken advantage of by others, no longer considered cursed or contagious by the suspicions of ancient times. He was now whole in the whole sense of wholeness.

And, the result we are told, the religious authorities got together with the Herodians to plot to destroy Jesus. To bring this into perspective this unlikely marriage of religious and political parties of the first century to devise a plan to kill Jesus would be like Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow agreeing on a common enemy and actually working together to eliminate that enemy.

Ponder this. Healing and restoring wholeness of life to the man with the withered hand was so extreme that violently opposed groups came together to plot death for the healer.

Two things are going on behind the scenes of this story that are important for the first century audience and for us as we hear it anew today.

The purpose of the Law is being misunderstood. According to blogger and biblical scholar David Lose, “The biblical witness is clear: God gives us the law to help us get the most out of life and, in particular, to help us get more out of life by helping others, by looking out for them, by taking care of them and, by extension, each other. In this way, the law creates a level of order that makes human flourishing more likely. Law offers a measure of protection, particularly important to those who are most vulnerable. Law establishes a  stability that makes it easier for us to prosper. All of these things the law does. Which is why God’s law is holy and we are taught to know, revere, and follow the law.”

But, Lose claims, “as important as the law is, it is and shall always be a means to an end, a tool, a mechanism in service to a greater purpose. It is not an end in itself; following the law is not itself the purpose of the law, and the law not capable of granting us identity but only helps us live into the identity of beloved children given to us by God.”

So for the religious authorities then, as do some well-meaning religious folks now, the law had become an end and a legalism resulted that does two things: it judges everyone we believe is not following the law whether religious or civil laws to our standards as high or low as they may be, and this rewards or punishments legalism creates a social system where-in law and order become a god of sorts and thus the system – those who make the laws and enforce the laws become exempt from the very laws they are sworn to uphold – laws intended to protect the most vulnerable among us, children including teenagers, the poor, the orphaned, the mentally ill, the elderly.

When serving law and order comes before basic human needs the law is no longer made for humanity – humanity has become servant of the law.

We are no longer innocent until proven guilty, we are guilty until proven innocent if we make it to the courtroom to defend ourselves. That is the experience of many black and brown communities in our nation.

By standing up to the Pharisees, the scribes and the Herodians, Jesus proclaims that the law was made for humanity not the other way around, that people matter to God more than law and order.

Of course law and order was the way the Pharisees, the scribes and the Herodians maintained their power, their wealth, their privilege and so Jesus was meddling in their status. He was calling them out again for not upholding the first law of God, to love God because they were busy loving themselves first.

Jesus was organizing a resistance to their authority for not obeying the second law of God, to love their neighbor because they were too blood thirsty for condemnation, too ready to trample them under their oppressive practices including the temple tax.

Jesus is turning the social order of his time and his people upside down as he announces the arrival of the kingdom of God. Those who benefited from the law and order mentality were threatened to lose their high and mighty status, their privilege especially when this loose cannon is out their healing the scum of the earth with withered limbs on the sabbath – who will he restore to full status in their community next blind beggars, prostitutes, lepers, the mentally ill, the addicted, foreigners, criminals?

Truth is Jesus continues to turn the world upside down. Just when we think we have a hold on everything,  just when we think we are the ones establishing law and order, we get our world flipped over by Jesus and his love and grace. Our world that says if you obey, if your good, if your right you don’t get punished and you certainly don’t get executed – but he did. And perhaps still does today.

Crucifixions as a form of capital punishment may be a thing of the past  but our world is full of crucifixions yet today.

People are condemned every day mainly by well-meaning religious folks because of who they are, where they come from, how they talk, how they dress, who are how they worship, how they decorate themselves, who they love. And every condemnation is another nail in the cross of Christ.

Jesus was not condemned for picking grain or healing on the sabbath, but for challenging the status quo, those with privilege and power, the power to destroy him. And try they did. Succeed they did not. For God so loves all that God made and there is unmeasurable power in God’s love, enough to raise even us from condemnation and death to newness of life, life here and hereafter.

This is why Jesus is Lord even over the Sabbath and desires to be your Lord and Savior today. Amen.

Text from my Message for Today based on Mark 2:23-3:6  June 3, 2018 Central Christian Church, Bourbonnais, IL

Homeless Veterans vs. Refugees

Lately my social media feeds keep being populated by folks sharing memes claiming we need to take care of our own homeless individuals, especially veterans, before we take in refugees. Here’s a few reflections…
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For those of you sharing memes suggesting we shouldn’t worry about refugees because of the number of homeless veterans and generally homeless people in the USA, what are YOU willing to do about it? Will you gladly pay more taxes to provide more Federal or State programs to ensure that every Vet who returns with PTSD and other mental & physical challenges has access to housing, counseling, job training? Will you donate a generous percentage of your income or your time to a non-profit organization (like Catholic Charities) working with our homeless veterans and their families? Will you start a ministry within your church/synagogue/mosque/etc. to provide safe havens for veterans and homeless individuals? Will you welcome a homeless vet into your home? Will you demand your elected representatives fully fund programs already in place to help our veterans and homeless populations? What are YOU willing to do? Or is it just easier to hit share when someone else reminds us that this is reality and has been for decades? Some of us work constantly on solving the crisis of homelessness in America.
Caring for refugees does NOT keep us from caring about Vets or homeless citizens – our ability to judge everyone who is poor or homeless as deserving of their status does. The lie that everything you get you deserve does. Just think about the words we use when we see a homeless person, bum, drifter, lazy, pathetic – maybe you are too holy to ever fall into that trap! The lie that we tell our young women and men that serving will earn them a bright future (and I know some do well after their service, but certainly not all and way too many never recover from the scars of the battlefield) and then when they come home, we may wave a flag on day one, but on day two we say you are on your own, keeps from caring. The lie that allows big corporations whose global interests Vets protected to pay little or no taxes so their pawns in Congress can complain about over spending when the revenue is in the pockets of CEO’s who never serve while hiring freezes reduce the opportunities for homeless persons looking for help, keeps us from caring. Read that sentence five times until it sinks in – we are being scammed!
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The refugee has no homeland to return to, no promises of pursuing a dream, no safety net of social security disability or veterans assistance and health programs as flawed as they may be in place and likely no living family members with a couch to crash on.
So, let me ask you again. What are YOU willing to do about it? And, please don’t respond that you’ll pray for them because if it is important to you, YOU will do something.

Committed to Hope

Eight years ago I watched the election returns with disbelief as Barack Obama was winning the presidency. I was speechless as he took the stage in Millennium Park among thousands of cheering supporters. Our nation had elected an African-American POTUS for the first time. The world rejoiced, America had finally arrived having put her deep sins of racism behind her. I was in disbelief because I knew that bigotry was deep and wide in this country. I was in disbelief because I knew that hate was alive and well in homes, communities and yes the church. I was speechless, with hope.
TODAY, I wish I could say I’m in disbelief but I am not. True colors unveiled themselves yesterday. The deep seated distrust of difference reared his ugly head in the privacy of the voting booth. The fallacy of a post-racial America was proven last night. I know that every person who voted for President-elect Trump is not prejudiced against persons of color, LGBTQ persons, differently abled persons, immigrants or sexist. Some are simply disenchanted by systems that they believe have let them down. Many have not rode the coat tails of Wall Street recovery and growth and have seen their budgets squeezed by stagnated wages and rising costs of living. And, some of his supporters will wake up today in disbelief as did many after the BREXIT vote in the UK in June.
TODAY, I am not disappointed or shocked because I expected no less or no more. My hope is not dashed because my hope is not based in political power or the domination systems of our world. My hope is in the love and grace of God, for me made known in Jesus Christ. My hope is in people, because I have witnessed people standing up for the marginalized, oppressed, feared and loathed. My hope is in my sons who share my values for unconditional love and honesty, inclusion and acceptance, putting people and planet before profit, and peace for all people.
TODAY, I am not in a panic because my white male privilege allows me to say there’s always 2020 and to remind myself that the POTUS has limited power in the system we have, albeit as broken as it may be. My only fear today is for my sisters and brothers who are erroneously empowered to act on their prejudices and hatred which they believe resonate with America and for any they would enact their ignorance upon. We have old deep lines of division, gulfs of difference, and barriers to progress that make “the wall” look like a simple bump in the road. And that means I continue to have work to do, we continue to have work to do to advance grace, love, peace and justice. We have a clear mission and call to demonstrate solidarity, to act in kindness, to work for justice, and to hear with humility the voices of all who are trampled on and exploited by unjust systems, greed and hatred.
TODAY, I am committed to hope.

Relationships Begin in the Restroom?

From Robert’s Round Table

IntersectionsI am enjoying our Easter Season Intersections Sermon Series. The topics represent some of the most commonly stated reasons people 18-35 say they are not attending a church. This week’s theme of sexual identity and faith is one of the most sensitive reasons young people refrain from being part of the church. In short, the church’s judgmental attitude of people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity ranks high on the list for millennials who “just say no” to church. Of course, no generation is homogeneous in their beliefs and values, but overwhelmingly younger adults reject the notion that God rejects persons based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Most young adults do not believe that a person chooses their sexual orientation or their gender identity and that even if they do, a God of love, mercy and compassion would not banish them from eternal life based on those factors alone. Most young people believe that our sexual identity is part of our genetic make-up, not a social choice. And, increasingly so do older adults.

Human sexuality has always been a “hot button” issue for communities of faith perhaps because of the socialized intimacy associated with sex or because our sexuality brings us as close as we may to being co-creators with God, the Creator of the universe. With genetic research and cloning this notion is changing somewhat, but throughout time the human reproductive miracle has stirred debate among the faithful. Humanity has evolved in our understanding of the miracle of birth from the blessings or curses of idols to the mythical stork of children’s tales to the invention of contraception and ever closer to genetic selection which allows would be parents to select the gender or other characteristics of their child. I know, the last one is a bit scary when you think about the possible consequences for society as a whole. Regardless, we are not as under informed as our ancestors were when it comes to sexuality and reproduction.

The Bible is full of stories, poems, and decrees about human sexuality. Many people believe that scripture is anti-sex, or at least anti-sexual enjoyment and that in the perception of the Bible sex is equivalent with sin. A light reading of scripture will surely point a person to the potential perils of our sexuality and to many holiness codes about sexuality, but should also reveal the blessed and joyful role of human sexuality in authentic relationships built on trust. As always we do well to remember the social and historical context from which the writers of scripture took their clues for understanding how faith and sexuality intersect. The ancients had little understanding of conception or the functions of our human anatomy without the aid of microscopes and ultrasound technology. The holiness codes of Leviticus, which go on and on for chapters about the “do’s and don’ts” of sex, were primarily designed to do two things: 1. To set apart the people of one God from the people of many gods 2. To provide healthy standards of sanitation based on the ancient understanding of the functions of the human body. A third understanding from scripture has to do with sexual morality, which often has to do with the denunciation of rape and the building of healthy, authentic relationships.

Currently, we are in a debate in our nation concerning gender identity and access to public restrooms. The Bible has nothing really to say to us directly on this issue, for the ancients had little knowledge of the privacy we demand in bath rooming today. The current debate has been the result of the broader issues of faith and sexual orientation and LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender) human and civil rights. Truth be told, transgender folks have been using restrooms of their choosing for just about as long as restrooms have existed. And despite the fear mongering represented on cable news networks, statistics show no reason to fear the practice.  This debate has led to a local ordinance in another state not only making transgender bath rooming illegal but also punishable by jail. And, the hate-filled rhetoric of the debate has resulted in renewed fear among the LGBT community. Here is an article to help us understand the fear.

Fear is powerful and irrational fear is the worst kind of powerful. The advancements we enjoy in our homes and public places have only been around for about 150 years and continue to evolve. Before private bathrooms and stalls, humanity was a much more public affair with conversation and even relationship building in public baths and yes, toilets (the non-flushing kind). They literally had nothing to hide. Now it is considered bad etiquette to speak to someone while using the restroom. In our quest for privacy we have walled ourselves in and others out to the extent that we no longer know each other, and this of course only begins in the bathroom and now extends to every part of our lives. Perhaps this is why it is so easy for some to condemn others who are not like them in some way. Perhaps this is why we live in fear and suspicion of almost everyone these days, because we don’t know them, which means we no longer have authentic relationships based in trust. Jesus didn’t avoid those who were different in any way. He sought out the outcast and they sought out him. He built relationships of mercy and grace. He listened and didn’t cast stones. He didn’t reject or condemn. He cared. We do well when we do the same.

A Time to Speak and a Time to Refrain from Speaking

Today, I attended the Stand Against Racism Day of Action event sponsored by the YWCA of Kankakee County, IL. This was the fifth such event I have attended since returning to my hometown five years ago. At this event we viewed a TED Talk (about 18 minutes) by Verna Myers a diversity trainer and had an open conversation reflecting on what we heard in her talk.

To recap, here are Verna Myers three major points were:

  1. Uncover your own biases. Who is your default for goodness? for Evil? Who do you automatically trust? Who do you fear?
  2. Move toward young black men and not away from them. Don’t just listen to the stories we make up for ourselves before we actually know who they are.
  3. When we see/hear something (biased/racist) we have to have the courage to say something.

It was the last point that jogged this story from my memory and that I shared briefly with the diverse group of about 60 in attendance. Hear is the non-abridged version: About 20 years ago, Teri (my spouse of 25 yrs.) and I took my parents for a day visit to Chicago to visit the Mag Mile and to ascend Hancock Tower. Mom & Dad had never been to downtown Chicago even though they lived just 60 miles south of the Loop. They were fans of Chicago sports teams and we watched Chicago TV because the antenna brought them in clearly and we had no local TV stations. But, they had never ventured into the big city as adults. Why? Fear. Yes, they feared Chicago. Now I have to admit being a small town boy myself, venturing to large cities is a bit daunting with traffic and transit and all the skyscrapers that make a flat-lander lose their direction sense. In Mom and Dad’s case, the fear was more than just bumper to bumper traffic. Dad had been a truck driver after-all. The fear was more profoundly about their chances of getting mugged or murdered by a person of color.

And so as we drove through the South side of Chicago, my mother became increasingly tense in the back seat. Wondering why we had to drive through those “n—– filled neighborhoods.” For context, let me say that politically-incorrect language was more commonplace in our home than not. My parents were not supporters of the Civil Rights Movement but were not anti-Civil Rights either. They had both good and bad experiences with people of color in their young lives. Back to the story, I had a choice in that moment somewhere south of Englewood. I could just let it go, chalk it up to her generation, give her the benefit of the doubt as an under educated white person, or I could speak. I chose to speak and to ask my mom to refrain from using derogatory names for people she didn’t even know. It was tense and quiet for a few miles. And we enjoyed our trip to Chicago, even the 95th floor observatory.

What happened in that moment had a huge impact later. As my parents listened to the perspectives I was gaining through education and peer interaction, they softened their language and broadened their viewpoints. They were not “cured” of their own prejudice and neither am I. But more importantly they came to understand that we as parents of their grandchildren were not going to tolerate intolerance in language or action as example for our children. And, it worked. Our boys only learned derogatory names from school children and a few extended family, but not from their grandparents nor their parents. I think our choice to speak had a ripple effect on other family members as well. Our children did not grow up with ill-informed biases about people who have a different amount of melanin in their skin cells and when they encounter bigotry and ignorance they recognize it immediately. They are the most inclusive, non-judgmental people I know.

To be fair, I believe Mom and Dad grew in their understanding of racism over the past 20 years before their deaths eight weeks apart a year ago. I believe they had an expanded perspective on the human race and were supportive of my work in anti-racism organizing and awareness. For many of us who are white this all begins in our own homes with our own families. And may carry over to the little league ball diamond, the football field, the school concert, the office break room, the block party and yes even church on Sunday.

Have the courage to speak when it is time to speak and to refrain from repeating stereotypes. Do it with kindness and gentleness. Speak the truth. And, perhaps we may just eliminate the evil of racism from our midst.